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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/23/22 1 Sam. 18-20 (part 2): Lessons Ryan Boyer Bible Class Lessons From the Life of David Sun Class 10_23_22_class_-_1_Sam._18-20__Lessons_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/23/22 Gen. 21:13-21: Alone in the Wilderness Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun AM 22.10.23_am_-_Gen._21_13-21__Alone_in_the_Wilderness_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/23/22 Gal. 4:21-31: Hagar & Ishmael Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun PM 22.10.23_pm_-_Gal._4_21-31__Hagar__Sarah_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/19/22 Saul v David (1): Escalation (1 Sam. 18-20) Ryan Boyer Bible Class Lessons From the Life of David Wed Class 22.10.19_-_Saul_v._David_1__Escalation_1_Sam._18-20_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/16/22 Saul's Disobedience (1 Sam. 13 & 15) Ryan Boyer Sermon Lessons From the Life of David Sun AM 22.10.16_am_-_Sauls_Disobedience_1_Sam._13__15_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/16/22 David and Goliath (1 Sam. 17) Ryan Boyer Bible Class Lessons From the Life of David Sun Class 22.10.16_class_-_David_and_Goliath_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/16/22 Gen. 21:1-12: Isaac's Birth Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun PM 22.10.16_pm_-_Gen._21_1-12__Isaacs_Birth_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/12/22 David the Shepherd Adam Hull Bible Class Lessons From the Life of David Wed Class 22.10.12_wed_-_David_the_Shepherd_-_Adam_Hull.mp3
10/09/22 After God's Own Heart Kevin Wise Bible Class Lessons From the Life of David Sun Class 22.10.09_class_-_After_Gods_own_heart_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
10/09/22 Silence of the Scriptures Rob Mackey Sermon N/A Sun AM 22.10.09_am_-_Silence_of_the_Scriptures_-_Rob_Mackey.mp3
10/09/22 Lesson Luke Heisele Sermon N/A Sun PM 22.10.09_pm_-_Luke_Heisele.mp3
10/05/22 Like all the nations Ryan Boyer Bible Class Lessons From the Life of David Wed Class 22.10.05_wed_-_Like_all_the_nations_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/02/22 God's Ideal King (Deut. 17:14-20) Ryan Boyer Bible Class Lessons From the Life of David Sun Class 22.10.02_class_-_Gods_Ideal_King_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/02/22 Am I Read to be a Christian? (Four Questions) Ryan Boyer Sermon N/A Sun AM 22.10.02_am_-_Am_I_ready_to_be_a_Christian__-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
10/02/22 Respect the Text (test case: Matt. 25.31-46) Ryan Boyer Sermon N/A Sun PM 22.10.02_pm_-_Matt._25_31-46__Respect_the_Text_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/28/22 The Sheep and the Goats (Matt 25:31-46) Ed Gershenson Bible Class Parables Wed Class 22.09.28_wed_-_The_Sheep_and_the_Goats_Matt_25_31-46_-_Ed_Gershenson.mp3
09/25/22 The Bible Alone Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.09.25_class_-_The_Bible_Alone_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/25/22 Gen. 18:22-26: Interceding for Sodom Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun AM 22.09.25_am_-_Gen._18_22-26__Interceding_for_Sodom_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/21/22 The Talents and the Minas (Matt 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27) Kevin Engel Bible Class Parables Wed Class 22.09.21_wed_-_The_Talents_and_the_Minas_Matt_25_14-30_Luke_19_11-27_-_Kevin_Engel.mp3
09/18/22 Sola Scriptura & Creeds Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.09.18_class_-_Sola_Scriptura_and_Creeds_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/18/22 Gen. 19:23-25, 28: Destruction of Sin & Hell Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun AM 22.09.18_am_-_Gen._19_23-25_28__Destruction_of_Sin__Hell_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/18/22 Canon (3): What books belong in the New Testament? Ryan Boyer Sermon The Bible is God's Word Sun PM 22.09.18_pm_-_Canon_3__What_books_belong_in_the_New_Testament_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/14/22 Be Ready: The Ten Virgins (Matt 25:1-13) Kevin Wise Bible Class Parables Wed Class 22.09.14_wed_-_Be_Ready__The_Ten_Virgins_Matt_25_1-13_-_Kevin_Wise.mp3
09/11/22 Catholic & Orthodox Tradition Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.09.11_class_-_Catholic__Orthodox_Tradition_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/11/22 Gen. 19:12-38: Lot's Problem Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun AM 22.09.11_am_-_Gen._19_12-38__Lots_Problem_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/11/22 Canon (2): What books belong in the Old Testament Ryan Boyer Sermon The Bible is God's Word Sun PM 22.09.11_pm_-_Canon_2__What_books_belong_in_the_Old_Testament_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/07/22 The Wicked Tenants (Matt 21:33-46; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-19) Ryan Boyer Bible Class Parables Wed Class 22.09.07_wed_-_The_Wicked_Tenants_Matt_21_33-46_Mark_12_1-12_Luke_20_9-19_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/04/22 Gen. 19:1-11: Sodom's Sin Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun AM 22.09.04_am_-_Gen._9_1-11__Sodoms_Sin_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/04/22 Gospel Tradition Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.09.04_class_-_Gospel_Tradition_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
09/04/22 Canon (1): What books belong in my Bible? Ryan Boyer Sermon The Bible is God's Word Sun PM 22.09.04_pm_-_Canon_1__What_books_belong_in_the_Bible__-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/31/22 The 2 Sons (Matt. 21:28-32) & Barren Fig Tree (Lk. 13:6-9) Mark Cook Bible Class Parables Wed Class 22.08.31_wed_-_The_2_Sons_Matt._21_28-32__Barren_Fig_Tree_Lk._13_6-9_-_Mark_Cook.mp3
08/28/22 Jewish Tradition Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.08.28_class_-_Jewish_Tradition_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/28/22 Gen. 18:1-8: Abraham's Hospitality Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun AM 22.08.28_am_-_Gen._18_1-8__Abrahams_Hospitality_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/24/22 The Wedding Banquet & Feast (Matt. 22:1-14; Lk. 14:15-24) Brennan Huser Bible Class Parables Wed Class 22.08.24_wed_-_The_Wedding_Banquet_and_the_Feast_Matt_22_1-14_Luke_14_15-24_-_Brennan_Huser.mp3
08/21/22 The Extent of Inspiration Ryan Boyer Bible Class The Bible is God's Word Sun Class 22.08.21_class_-_Extent_of_Inspiration_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/21/22 Gen. 17:15-19; 18:9-15: Is anything too difficult for the Lord? Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun AM 22.08.21_am_-_Gen._17_15-19__18_9-15__Is_anything_too_hard_for_the_Lord__-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/21/22 Gen. 17:1: Walk before me and be blameless Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun PM 22.08.21_pm_-_Gen._17_1__Walk_before_me_and_be_blameless_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/17/22 The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) Luke Heisele Bible Class Parables Wed Class 22.08.17_wed_-_The_Rich_Man_and_Lazarus_Luke_16_19-31_-_Luke_Heisele.mp3
08/14/22 Gen. 17:1-8: A multitude of nations Ryan Boyer Sermon Genesis Sun AM 22.08.14_am_-_Gen._17_1-8__A_Multitude_of_Nations_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
08/14/22 God's Plan Chad Bilby Sermon N/A Sun PM 22.08.14_pm_-_Gods_Plan_-_Chad_Bilby.mp3

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